With the e-commerce model it has developed, Iletmen carries out the end point delivery processes of markets, restaurants, and tradesmen. İletmen received $150 Thousand (2.5 million TL) investment. The startup, which provides services in the field of new generation logistics, has added a new one to its investments. The investment was provided by Albaraka Portfolio Management Informatics Valley GDP. Albaraka Portfolio Management Informatics Valley GDP has invested approximately $2 million in 10 different companies since 2021. Thus, he added a new one to his investments.
Özgür Duruöz, the founding partner of Iletmen, announced that they can use the investments they have received for different sectors.
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Duruöz stated that after this investment, their presence in the field will increase and they will be able to offer service promises that have not been made in the world for the retail industry.
İletmen had increased its business volume by 300%, reaching 1.5 million packages last year. The company realizes 65% of its monthly carrying capacity by carrying the packages of tradesmen and 35% by carrying the packages of other collaborations.
Albaraka Portfolio General Manager Emin Özer expressed that they are very happy with the investment they have made in İletmen.
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